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COVID-19 Resources


TAHC will continue to monitor developments related to coronavirus disease (COVID-19) on behalf of home health agencies, hospice organizations, personal support service agencies and the people our members serve. Click on COVID-19 NEWS for the most recent information.

For more information on COVID vaccine




HCBS FMAP Funding Increase

COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution and Allocation

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) January 1, 2021

In order to receive PPE from TEMA in the future, agencies will be required to register using this link:  

PowerPoint which outlines this process

COVID-Positive Reporting Form (for TennCare patients/clients)

TennCare Memorandum to HCBS Providers (April 7th, 2020) - NEW

This memo is addressed to TennCare home health, CHOICES, ECF CHOICES, Section 1915(c) waiver, and PACE providers and seeks to provide guidance and expectations regarding prevention and responses to confirmed or suspected COVID-19 cases of 1) individuals living in the community who receive these services; and 2) the staff who deliver their services.

TN Department of Health - Letter to Health Care Facilities (March 28, 2020)

DOH Public Health - Health Alert Network (March 25th, 2020)

This document provides comprehensive guidance on the following: 

  • Guidance for cases (including specific recommendations for healthcare workers), those awaiting test results, and those exposed.
  • Testing guidance
  • Reporting cases and deaths
  • Elective procedures
  • Telehealth
  • Provider education

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Agencies should continue to reach out to the emergency management agency (EMA) managers in your area to make requests for PPE.  Agencies will not be cited for PPE deficiencies as long as reasonable steps are taken to mitigate shortages.


Suggested Screening Tool

The MCOs have collaborated on a suggested screening tool that your agencies may use to help workers when approaching member homes. The information is documented from CDC guidelines. This is only a suggested tool and not a requirement. Please follow your company policies, CDC guidelines, and the recent updated TennCare memo regarding COVID-19. Additional contact information: Please contact your Provider Advocate should you have additional questions or concerns.

TennCare MEMO to Providers Regarding Use of Telehealth during COVID-19 (March 18, 2020). Announces TennCare decision to implement virtual and telephonic telehealth during COVID-19 outbreak.

  • States that all TennCare health plans will allow “home” as an originating site during the COVID-19 national emergency.
  • Includes billing, coding, and coverage procedures for telehealth services. Additionally, each health plan is following recommended federal COVID-19 diagnostic testing guidance and has provided billing references for testing as well.

TennCare Memo to MCOs Regarding Contractual Requirements during COVID-19 (March 17, 2020). This memorandum provides guidance and information regarding policies and relaxed contractual requirements to assist in the infection control and prevention of COVID-19.

TennCare's UPDATED Recommendations for COVID-19 Preparedness. This memorandum includes the CMS-issued Guidance for Infection Control and Prevention Concerning Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in Home Health Agencies (HHAs) (linked below) as well as an article addressing coronavirus by one of the State's experts, Dr. Bruce Davis.

  • States that although the attached guidance was developed for Medicare-certified HHAs, many of the recommendations are applicable to all home and community-based services (HCBS) providers.
  • Emphasizes providers' responsibility to screen staff and individuals receiving services--prior to a face-to-face visit, when possible--in order to minimize risk of infection exposure.
  • States that MCOs, DIDD and their contracted providers remain obligated to ensure that LTSS participants receive HCBS during this critical time.
  • A CHOICES member's refusal to receive service due to coronavirus should be documented as normal.

TennCare's REVISED Memorandum on Recommendations for COVID-19 Preparedness (Revising March 6, 2020 Memo). This policy recirculates CMS Guidance for Infection Control and Prevention of Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) in Nursing Homes, which was republished with revisions on March 9th.

  • Provides revised guidelines on limiting, restricting and discouraging visitation to nursing homes;
  • Specifies that state and federal surveyors should not cite facilities for not having certain supplies (e.g. PPE such as gowns, N95 respirators, surgical masks, etc.) so long as the facility has taken action to mitigate resource shortages.
Since March 12th, Governor Bill Lee has issued 9 executive orders allowing for specific relief and instructions related to the treatment and containment of COVID-19. All executive orders can be accessed here, through the Governor's website.

Governor Lee's Special Proclamation Calling Tennessee General Assembly Back to Session on August 10th

Board Policy #82 On Friday, March 13th, the Board for Licensing Health Care Facilities met to consider and ultimately adopt Board Policy #82 which identifies the following state-specific coronavirus guidance for licensed facilities (including home health and hospice):

  • Reiterates that all licensed facility types must appropriately screen and monitor patients, residents, staff and visitors for any symptoms of COVID-19;
  • States that licensed facilities with policies or plans in place regarding the restriction or limitation of visitation will be held to those policies or plans;
  • Suspends rules for certain facility types (hospice not included) to allow the facilities to restrict or limit visitation in order to protect residents from the spread of COVID-19;
  • States that all Medicare-certified facilities are to follow CMS guidance.



For regulatory guidance (and some clinical guidance), federally-certified providers should continue to look to CMS:

COVID-19 Frequently Asked Questions for State Medicaid and CHIP Agencies

Guidance for Infection Control and Prevention Concerning Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) by Hospice Agencies

Guidance for Infection Control and Prevention Concerning Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) by Home Health Agencies

COVID-19 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for State Medicaid and Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) Agencies

For clinical guidance, all providers should continue to check the CDC website for updates and guidance:

Interim Guidelines for Collecting, Handling, and Testing Clinical Specimens from Persons for Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). Guidance specifies the process for identifying a suspected COVID-19 case:

  1. Healthcare providers should contact their local/state health department immediately to notify them of patients with fever and lower respiratory illness who they suspect may have COVID-19.
  2. Local and state public health staff will determine if the patient meets the criteria for testing.
  3. Providers should follow CDC guidelines for collecting, storing and shipping specimens.

Strategies for Optimizing the Supply of N95 Respirators

Interim Infection Prevention and Control Recommendations for Patients with Suspected or Confirmed Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in Healthcare Settings

Interim Guidelines for Implementing Home Care for People Not Requiring Hospitalization for Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

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